Focus on Hydrogen ICE

The road to net zero carbon emissions from transportation is being navigated very quickly, supported by public opinion and encouraged by legislation. Some governments have chosen to ban combustion engines while others have not been so proscriptive. Telling companies that they must not supply vehicles with IC engines is clear guidance and allows business planning, but it might not be the best solution in the longer term.

Hydrogen can be employed in combustion engines of all types, from pistons to gas turbines. While the internal combustion engine has made big advances in efficiency in recent years, it remains inefficient as an energy conversion device compared with the electric motor. 

How a UK hydrogen car industry could cut fuel costs and carbon emissions

The means to develop hydrogen-powered vehicles should be developed alongside that for EVs in the UK. There are two types: hydrogen engines, which burn hydrogen in the same way as a gasoline engine burns petrol - and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, which are powered by generating electricity from hydrogen using a device called a fuel cell. 

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs) can drive for longer and refuel faster than EVs, making HFCVs a practical option for long-distance travel and especially for heavy goods vehicles such as lorries.